Welcome to Week 2 of More {Followers} Monday! Can't wait to start blog hopping! The rules are simple!
The Rules are Simple:
1) Follow the people in the first 4 slots {the Fourth Spot will ALWAYS feature a blogger who participated in the blog hop the week before} If you want the hosts to follow you back leave a comment on their MFM post.
2) Grab the button! Post it in your sidebar or in a post with a little something about you so everyone who comes to follow you has a space to say Hey, Following from MFM!
3) Have Fun. Make New Friends, because it's cool to be popular ;)
Our Guest Host this week:
To make it extra friendly and a little less awkward if you're following let me know by answering this question:
What's your FAVORITE must watch TV show?
About TheLomax5-
I'm a happily married mom of 3. My New Years resolution was to learn how to blog & meet some really AMAZING people! Please take a second and say Hi! I will TOTALLY come check out your blog:)
This is a Blog Hop! 31 entries so far... you're next!
Following from More Followers Monday - mmm Im ashamed to admit that I freaking love the Maury Povich show.