you guys! check out @FabFitFun by @GiulianaRancic awesome daily email about women's health, fitness, nutrition, wellness...awesome.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Giuliana Rancic's Health and Fitness Daily E-mail: FabFitFun - Sponsored Post
you guys! check out @FabFitFun by @GiulianaRancic awesome daily email about women's health, fitness, nutrition, wellness...awesome.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Martin Luther King "I have a dream"
Favorite MLK Quote:
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963
Monday, January 10, 2011
Follow Me, Chickadee Tuesdays! 01.11.10
The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom!, Stash Mama and The Adventures of Goober Grape and Monkey Man, One + One=Four and Carrie With Children have teamed up to cohost Follow Me, Chickadee!
Each week, simply stop by at any of these FIVE blogs for a chance to link up and meet new and exciting bloggers out on the interwebz!
All we ask is that you follow a few simple guidelines:
* Add a main link to your blog each week (Linky will open every Monday night at 10 p.m. EST and close at 12:01 a.m. on Wednesday mornings EST).
* Follow whichever blog you like; all we ask is that you leave a comment telling them that you found them from Follow Me, Chickadee!
* You don't have to follow every blog that follows you...but make sure that you follow the blogs that really interest you!
* If you want to put the blog hop code or the Chickadee button on your Tuesday post on your blog, we welcome it!
*~In The Spotlight This Week~*
Lipstick & Lullabies
About Andrea, from Lipstick & Lullabies:
I am a twenty something Orlando mom and wife who’s driven, passionate and always seeking new ways to make my life and the life of those around me better. I'm definitely considered the "crunchy" one of my friends but the truth is, I'm a mixture of all the things that feel instinctively right to me as a mother, wife and woman. On Friday I could be sitting at the hottest Downtown brunch spot with my girls. Then by Sunday, I am sitting down with a new mom talking about which herbs are good for lactation! That's just me :) I decided to become a doula after my own amazing birth experience but I definitely consider myself a modern, trendy, fashion loving chick who will never be caught without her makeup done! I am absolutely crazy about my daughter and hubby! My beautiful family is centered on love, spirituality, closeness and creating meaningful friendships. I blog about it all and I wholeheartedly invite you in.
Stop by and say hi to this Chickadee and her family!
Interested in becoming a Spotlighted Blogger?
Contact one of us for details!
36 entries so far... you're next!
1. Carrie With Children
2. One + One = Four
3. Stash Mama
4. Sippy Cup Mom
5. Goober Monkey
6. Lipstick & Lullabies
7. A Mommy in the City
8. Surviving a Teachers Salary
9. The Elect Lady
10. Home Sweet Farm
11. Adventures in Estrogen
12. Homeschool Healthy
13. The Fat Lady's Cookbook
14. ThreeBoys: I follow back
15. My Weekend Visitor ~ Follows Back!!
16. Sprout's GREEN Family
17. My Adventures in Mommyland
18. Swagtastic Mama
19. Ramblings of an Empty Mind
20. FrugalLuxe *Follows Back*
21. T Town Tiffany
22. Confessions of a Vi3tBabe
23. oUr LiFe iN a cLicK
24. Three P's in a Pod
25. Mommy Head Adventures
26. bassgiraffes Thoughts- FOLLOWS back
27. if life was like a cupcake
28. Life with 5 dogs
29. Who's Your Editor? (Replies to Everyone!)
30. Love is everywhere!
31. Great Stuff! (follows back)
32. My Life -- SmookieStyle
34. Some Kind Of Wonderful!
35. Thanks, Mail Carrier
36. Mommy Ink Well
You are next...
Click here to enter
More Followers Monday

Welcome to Week 2 of More {Followers} Monday! Can't wait to start blog hopping! The rules are simple!
Our Guest Host this week:
About TheLomax5-
I'm a happily married mom of 3. My New Years resolution was to learn how to blog & meet some really AMAZING people! Please take a second and say Hi! I will TOTALLY come check out your blog:)
This is a Blog Hop! 31 entries so far... you're next!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Always have a stash!
So off I go. Grab my keys and hop in the car. I'm driving like a bat out of hell hoping and praying DD1 doesn't have an accident because I know I will NEVER hear the end of it. I get to the grocery store and go to grab my wallet out of my purse and...... NO WALLET! I did what any mom would do and screamed a few obscenities before I put my car in reverse to head back to the house once again driving like a bat out of hell. I get home and luckily DH has DD1 in the bath so if she goes she'll go in the tub. I quickly grab my wallet and once again drive like a bat out of hell back to the store where I finally was able to get my DD1 some diapers.
So why am I sharing this story, Well it's because I know I am not the first person this has ever happened to. What I learned is I should "ALWAYS HAVE A STASH" of CASH in my car for an EMERGENCY! So there you have it. Another lesson learned.
Alexis in her car
Alexis loves getting pushed around in her new little ride. Here she is with daddy on New Years. Until....
she runs away!!! HaHa
Sunday, January 2, 2011
More Followers Monday
Let’s start 2011 off right by finding some great new blogs to follow and getting the word out about your’s!
The Rules are Simple:
1) Follow the people in the first 3 slots {Next week the fourth spot will be given to a random person who entered the linky this week} If you want the hosts to follow you back leave a comment on their MFM post.
2) Grab the button! Post it in your sidebar or in a post with a little something about you so everyone who comes to follow you has a space to say Hey, Following from MFM!
3) Have Fun. Make New Friends, because it’s cool to be popular
This is a Blog Hop! 7 entries so far... you're next!